
Vassiliki Veros has a PhD in Information and Knowledge Management/Digital Information Management from the University of Technology Sydney. She is a tutor, researcher and scholar in the School of Digital and Social Media, in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology Sydney. She has been a public library practitioner and educator since 1989 with experience in readers’ advisory, collection development and digital information services. She is a founding member of the NSW Readers’ Advisory Committee and has an ongoing interest in creator and reader advocacy.

Her research interests are in marginalisation, library practices, reading practices, metadata interplays and metaliteracies, oracy, digital information, Public Lending Rights, romance fiction,  popular culture and publishing. Her current research is on material expressions of love in public informational spaces during celebrations of love such as Valentine’s Day and Pride.

Vassiliki presents her research as a reading advocate on several platforms – Twitter, her blog, as a guest reviewer on podcasts and on Australia’s public broadcaster ABC.

Vassiliki is an avid reader who tweets as @VaVeros.

She reads. She watches. She plays.

Occasionally, she teaches.

And when her mood takes her, she writes.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Vassiliki
    Firstly, thank for a thrilling conversation. Your ideas are so thought-provoking. Admittedly, where I wanted to provoked!

    But you have restored my faith in the academic world.

    There is a comfort factor romance readers find. You’ve maybe seen it? A tv documentary on mills and boon writers.

    Writing is a craft. Check out Alan Rickman’s last words pointing out the loss of working class actors now. What we see and read is increasingly posh.

    My site is: http://www.tracproductions.com

    All strength for your PhD

    Again, it’s a pleasure to meet
    Robert Cockburn

    • Thank you too, Robert.

      It was an absolute pleasure meeting you too. Our conversation certainly made me think.

      I have seen both the M&B documentary you mention and read Alan Rickman’s words. I also feel that the loss of working class actors spills into all aspects of creative life, sadly. And posh writing has always been culturally privileged over populist writing which is continuously denigrated.

      However, public libraries still allow for people of all backgrounds to cross paths, thankfully. They have gone the opposite way and moved away from only being for posh writing. I hope this continues for many years.

      Thank you once again

  2. Hi Vassiliki

    My name is Shaun and I’m an Australian author, just wondering if you consider reviewing books, in exchange for a free ebook copy?

    Here is a link to my YA fantasy novel (Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith) on amazon, so you can have a look and decide if it may or may not be something you would be interested in reading – http://amzn.eu/6FjYTA3

    Thanks for taking the time to consider my enquiry, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,

    • Hi Shaun,

      Thank you for your comment and offer to review your book. I have chosen to not review any books procured directly from authors – both solicited and unsolicited. I have a review policy that states as much on my blog. However, I do appreciate your offer and I think it is admirable and difficult to promote your own books. Most of my reviewed books are stumbled upon either at libraries or at bookshops, so I do not rule out reviewing your books sometime in the future should they catch my eye while I am browsing.

      I wish you all the very best with your publications, now and in the future.

      With kind regards

      Vassiliki Veros

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